Recently, a Chinese herbalist , told me stop eating foods with yeast and butter according to my health condition. This made my bread machine taking a long vacation.My little boy has allergy and we seldom eat outside, I always think about what food should make and is fresh , simple and light ?
Suddenly I think of my favorite rice rolls! When I was small, once a week, a hawker would lug hot rice rolls to the village I lived to make a living. People in my village were very happy to see him come.Every time my cousin and I would share a dish, mixing huge amout of soy sauce and paste to eat. We would spread out the last rice rolls(Changfen) like a clean cloth to drag clean the plate...Such a simple and happy memory !Food can reclaim the joy of childhood ...I have made 3 types of rolls :plain,shrimp and spring onion, and also, zuchinni,beef and spring onion rollAlthough they require some time to make, the ingredients are natural, fresh and delicious! And they taste original just as I tasted in the my childhood : soft and full of rice fragrance! Now the recipe we ate outside has totally changed for commercial reason.
They were so delicious that my husband couldn't stop eating them with any sauce!
I had tried to use a clean thin cloth to roll in a tradition way several times but failed. So I improvised to scrape with a spatula directly, and they were done ...I have left some for another day's breakfast , plain and shrimp and spring onion were fine but they all tasted best when freshly made...
材料 :
粘米粉(三象牌) 225g
粟粉(我改用了泰國生粉,口感軟滑些) 25g
鹽(幼海鹽) 半茶匙
油(葡萄籽油) 1湯匙
Ingredients :
Rice flour( three Elephant ) 225g
Cornstarch ( I use Thailand cornflour Topia, much softer and smoother ) 25g
Salt ( fine sea salt ) ½ tsp
Oil ( grape seed oil ) 1 tablespoonT
hree cups of water ( a measuring cup 250ml)
蝦米(水洗淨,浸軟) 2-3湯匙
醃好的牛肉碎 + 脆肉瓜(切幼粒) 2-3湯匙
In addition :
A bowl of chopped green onion
Dried shrimp (washed & soaked ) 2-3 tbsp
Marinated minced beef + zucchini ( finely cut into small dice ) 2-3 tbsp
Oil a little
豉油 :
蒜泥油(爆了油的蒜蓉) 少許
Soy sauce:
Sugar 1 large teaspoon
Soy sauce 2 tablespoons
Garlic in oil (cooked) a little
Cold water 1-2 tablespoons

做法 :
1. 把材料開好在一大盆中,拌勻。
我方便自己,把一部分倒進有手柄的壺中, 或用湯杓舀米漿進
1. Put all the ingredients into a large mixing bowl and mix well.
To make things go easier, I poured the mixture into a pot with handle. You can use a big spoon or ladle to scoop the mixture into the rectangle metal plate. Attention: Each time before you pour out the mixture, stir well. The rice flour won't dissolve in the water and will sink to the bottom.
2. 找一個淺的,並能放在鑊/鍋中的金屬方盆。我有兩個,可交替用,一邊蒸、一邊翻,可節省時間
2. Use a rectangular, shallow, metal plate and it's size should be can placed into the wok or pot. I have two plates so they can be used interchangeably. While one is being steamed, I can make the roll with the other at the same time.

3. 方盆掃上一層油,放到有煮沸水的鑊/鍋上,熱一下(15sec)
3. Brush a thin layer of oil into the metal dish and bring it hot (15sec) in the pot/wok with boiling water.
4. 倒入米漿,僅蓋過方盆面就可以,用拿蒸餸的鉗,夾著方盆淌一下,有多可倒出。做多兩次便能掌握到用多少米漿。
4. Pour into mixture, only overshadowed the metal plate surface can do. Use the pliers to take the dish to let the mixture runs evenly on the plate. Pour out the excess mixture if any. You will get the amout of mixture needed when you repeat doing.
5. 先試齋腸,練習一下,下米漿、加蓋、蒸3-5分鐘
5. Try the plain roll first and take it as practices. They are much more easy to go. Pour the mixture, cover the wok/pot and steam for 3-5 minutes
6. 開蓋,夾方盆出來,用小刮刀從外面角位開始,沿著長邊向下撥下來,一邊撥,一邊滾動,成捲棉胎狀,直至近你自己的一邊,完成。
6.Open the cover and clip the plate out. With a small spatula, scraping from the outside corner and along the long edge , roll down and scrolling until complete .
7. 放在掃了熟油的碟上。否則會黏住,破爛。
7. Put it on a plate which already brushed with cooked oil. Otherwise it will stick , and be broken .
8. 方盆有粉漬不用洗,再掃一層油,試蝦米腸,重覆4, 把蝦米和蔥花灑在上部和中部,或只是中部,這樣較易捲
8. If there are rice mixture stains on the metal plate, no need to wash. Brush on another layer of oil. Now try the shrimp & spring onion roll, repeat step 4. Evenly sprinkle the shrimp and spring onion on the top and the middle of the plate , or in the middle. That will be rolled easily.
9. 重覆5和6
9. Repeat step 5 and 6
10. 脆瓜牛肉腸也是一樣
10. The same procedure in doing the zuchinni, beef and spring onion roll.
11. 這份量我做了12條8-9寸的腸粉,切成理想食用的大小,淋上豉油和混醬,灑上芝麻,搞定
11 About twelve 8-9 inch rice rolls can be otained. Cut into desired size and length, goes with soy sauce and your favourite sauce(usually with the mixture of Hoi Sin sweet paste, pepper paste and sesame paste), sprinkle with sesame. Done.